Built-in Commands

Built-in commands can be used to carry out pre-defined operations. You can directly type a built-in command in the address bar. You can also use a built-in command as an entry in a site group. The command set will expand with the incoming of users requests and the expansion of my vision.

All the commands are listed below, 
(Note: Square brackets indicate optional parameters.).

  • autologin EntryName
    Automatically log into a website using pre-defined autologin "EntryName".
  • opengroup GroupName
    Open a predefined group with the supplied group name
  • script ScriptFile
    Execute a stored script file in the context of the active site. 
  • Shell folders accessible by commands
    Shell folder means actual file system folder or virtual folder accessible in Windows Explorer. All shell folders accessible by built-in commands are listed below. You can type the full name on the left or the abbreviation on the right in the address bar.
  • my computer | mycom
  • desktop
  • control panel | ctrl
  • startup
  • favorites
  • my documents | my doc
  • recent documents | recdoc
  • my profile | myprof
  • history
  • network neighborhood | nethood
  • cache
    Internet cache directory. A tip is that you can go into this directory and find some downloaded files.
  • cookies
    Internet cookie directory.
  • printers
  • start menu | smenu
    Start menu visible to the current user.
  • common start menu | csmenu
    The start menu visible all the users.
  • startup
    Startup program group visible to the current user.
  • common startup | cstartup
    Startup program group visible to all users.
  • recycle bin | recbin
  • my pictures | mypic